Hoje podia ser um marco na minha vida profissional, pela criação de mais uma marca.
Mas na verdade, o que vos apresento hoje é a oficialização da marca She Walks Design que nasceu em Abril desde ano. E hoje, com maior segurança e com clientes satisfeitos apresento online esta nova marca de serviços.
Sou formada em Design Gráfico desde 2012.
Mas foi durante...
This is not a sponsor post. This is a product that I found and wanted to try and give you my feedback.
At the beginning of the year, I promised myself as a priority the consumption of Portuguese natural and ecological products.
Whenever I saw myself in situations where there was a possibility to choose Portuguese products that could do, in order to support a Portuguese economy...
Photos by shewalksblog
(Versão em Português segue a seguir abaixo)
Have you ever heard about OrganiCup or Menstrual Cup?
I tried it and...
It's official it's been over half of the year. Almost without we all realizing it.
2019 personally it's a year of hard work to accomplishment major goals for the next year 2020.
It's the opportunity to research, prepare, set all the big plans for next year. And the truth is that time goes by and my focus should stay the same.
I have to confess I never wanted to share...
Yes this is a new (greener) beginning
for Shewalksblog
Yes, this is a new path for Shewalksblog. My growing interest about the environmental and social issues and conscious consumption has become a focus in my life.
I want to share that here in Shewalksblog. All the ideas and solutions I find so that we can live in a more responsible and conscious way. I want to reach...
Tudo começou no momento em que decidi que o meu foco nos próximos tempos seria poupar.
Poupar para criar uma nova marca de roupa e consequentemente deixar de comprar tanto.
Isto porque acredito que para alcançar-mos grandes sonhos, também é importante saber abdicar de várias coisas.
It all started the moment I decided that my main focus in the near future would be to save money.
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